Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Keep the Desktop PC units hopes alive -

Hi I’m KG the Techie –

Hey folks, just read an article about the slow sales of Personal Computers desktop units in the past year of 2010. I must say, I like technology and innovation, put those 2 together, rest of assured, change is coming. I appreciate the PC Desktop Unit. I hate to see it fading away. I’m a System builder hobbyist, an Enthusiast about the technology; PC building is an art form to me. Times are changing, and with that, so is the way we view our computer experience. The invention of the tablet PC like the “Motorola” Zoom, and the Dreaded “Apple” iPad, the Desktop unit is about to make its’ day-view out the door. As for me, it will be a long, long time to see the disappearance of the Desktop Unit in my house.

As Computers get smaller and more what I call embedded, we will see the slow migration from Desktop Units to tablets or similar such technologies. Smart phones and Tablets PC, are making the migration faster than one would think. Man…. I hate to see the Desktop unit disappearing though. That’s my 2 cents.

Monday, April 11, 2011

What was your first Computer experience?

Hi I’m KG the Techie –

Did you hear… commodore 64 is making a come- back to the Personal computer market. Commodore 64 was the premier computer back in “hey wow techie days” in history. Commodore 64 was where I got my first taste of computer programming. Wow what fun back then.

It’s great talking about the days where you first got into technology. Actually my first revolving computer I’ve own was a “Pack from hell” yes indeed a Packard Bell computer, that way back in 1993. That computer was junk, I bought it from Wal-mart. They had a sale on it. On the sale sign, it said buy it as is, right there… I should have known, something was wrong with that system.

I had a friend of mine, looked it over, at the time, back then, I had little knowledge of computer parts or even knowing how to repair anything dealing with computers. That soon changed, my friend showed me the ropes on computer technology like in 1993, and I’ve been involved with building my own computers and knowledge about technology since then. That’s my 2 cents.

.🤔 When Entertainment Crosses the Line: My Disappointment with the Super Bowl Halftime Show **

  I usually don’t post negative comments on #socialmedia, and there’s a good reason. If I don’t like something, I tend to keep it to myself...