Sunday, July 24, 2011

Fedora 15 experience - Experiencing Fedora -

Hi I’m KG the Techie -

Hello folks, it’s another blog moment, time to share with you my experience using fedora release 15 (lovelock) edition. I have used this OS (Operating System) for about 2 months now. The one thing I notice, it works much better on 1GB of Ram then 512 MB. So when I upgraded the ram to 1 Gigabytes, the OS flourish. However that happens with any OS in general, respectfully, the more RAM you have, the better the performance of the OS. Performance level is sluggish some-times, as some applications seems to lock up don’t respond. I know in pass Linux distos if an app lock up, it wouldn’t bog the OS. Fedora 15 using the new Gnome 3 GUI interface as default and like I said in my previous post, it is very heavy on the resources. Now it’s time for another Linux disto check out. Stay tune, and always remember, it’s just my 2 cents.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Many Flavors of Linux - Happy Linux administration

Hi I’m KG the Techie –

Hello folks, well it’s been a few moments in time, since I post something on the blog, I guess I haven’t been inspired, just tired. Hey… Hey…. Hey… I have been experimenting with different Linux Distros. The one I’m currently using is Fedora 15. I like it, very good and robust OS. The desktop interface call Gnome 3 is very nice. Gnome 3 is very heavy on the resource though, you need to have at least 1 GB of ram to really function with the desktop. So far I have test driven Ubuntu 11, and Fedora 15 Project. I will be testing other as well. Finally, reading up on Linux administration. I have a book on Linux admin on my kindle. Very nice in it’s approach. Don’t let many distos of Linux fool you. Linux will kick back a lock up on the screen, and applications can crash. But-over-all, the many faces of linux flavors works way much better then Windows. That’s just my 2 cents.

.🤔 When Entertainment Crosses the Line: My Disappointment with the Super Bowl Halftime Show **

  I usually don’t post negative comments on #socialmedia, and there’s a good reason. If I don’t like something, I tend to keep it to myself...