Sunday, March 27, 2011

More Smart phone mumble Jumble - Can you believe it's Intel this time -

Hi I’m KG the Techie,

Well… just so you know… I read an article today about “Intel going into the Smartphone business”. So now what…. are we going to see the words “Intel inside” on our smart-phones? Businesses need to stick with what really works for them, and Intel is known for its’ computer processors and chipsets. Of course they specialize in other technologies to. Why would they want to make a mark on Smart-phones? Perhaps, it’s to show off their nano processors technology? Maybe they want to entice us with their smooth electronics components of ICs (Integrated Circuits), after all that is what “Intel stand for, right? You know…. We maybe you don’t know, it’s Integrated Electronics. We all know they probably won’t be using the Android OS as they OS on the phone. Intel most likely will be step with the Microsoft Windows 7 OS for their OS of choice on their Smart-phones. But what do I know. We’ll have to wait and see. Perhaps they’ll have something better than the Droid. I doubt it… but we will see… that’s my 2 cent…

Saturday, March 26, 2011

What you think about 3D-TV - amazing technology -

Hi I’m KG the Techie,

Who is ready for 3D-TV, any takers? I tell you, the Technology is here, for 3D-TV. Right , it’s too expensive to me . Right now as it stand, the supply and demand is just too High. Those prices are very High to. Oh lawd, I can’t afford that. Hey check out CNET Website for some interesting FAQs about 3D-TV.

Why 3D TV anyway? What advantages do you have with 3D-TV? These are many Questions you can find from CNET Website . I was reading some of the questions you may ask about it. Like what is 3D-TV. All I know is the technology is outstanding ridiculous. Is it worth it? You be the judge the future is coming and it could be a 3D TV in your dwelling place.  Have fun, that’s my 2 cent…

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Motherboards connecting technology to the world -

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Hi I’m KG the Techie….
Welcome again to my area of blog domain, this blog is merely going to share with you my interest and favorite part of the Personal Computer Technology; “ The Motherboard” . I tell you, rather you believe this or not, we should pay some attention to the Motherboard, for it’s the central part of the computer, without it, there would be no computer technology. All the computer calculations are done on the Motherboard. Everything that connects to the computer is actually connected to the motherboard. Hmm, makes one think, why the Motherboard is call the mother of all boards. Well to be technical correct about it, the motherboard is also call the system board and for you Apple users it’s call the Logic board. But it seems people is still stuck on the words “Motherboards” . I tell you, I understand why, I mean really society view mothers as the ones that keeps things together, So why not call the system board the Motherboard, after all, it’s keeps everything connected it together. Let check out what the technologies resides on the motherboards.
Motherboards has been a-part of the computer history really since the birth of IC(Integrated Circuit) also a place for the brain of the computer to house which is call the CPU (Central Processing Unit) or Processor for short. Don’t forget storage, yeah in the computer, there is all kind of Storage house on or connected to the Motherboard. Back in the 70s the backplane was mainly used just for holding wires together, then came the 80’s. I speculate IBM really had something to do with the growth of the motherboard. But you can’t rule out Apple. The technology just got better and better, the Motherboard was used to hold more IC Chips call (Super I/O) for many things we take for granted today, like sound, video, and modem connectivity, and also even network interface cards, build right into the Motherboard. You really have to give props to the technology. I mean really, not only legacy devices has a place to connect to, also Plug and Play devices had a place to as well. The Motherboard bridged the union between every piece of technology we have connected to it. Yes even your webcam. “HeHe”
Wow, it’s amazing to see really how this piece technology effects our computer life experiences. I tell you, it’s really a exciting to how it all works. I have favorite types of Motherboard Brands I like, merely because I used them for a long time. What is the considered to be a life of a single Motherboard? That is a good question, well I feel you really have do research and find out. But with saying that, in my 2 cents worth, I would say about 5 years. The reason I say 5 years because, you have to consider the growth rate of technology, also when you need to update the bios on the board itself. Oh lawd, did I say “Bios”, well I need to save that for other blog time (”hehehe”), but I tell you, the bios is the firmware on the Motherboard itself. At any-rate, we should all pay great attention to the legacy of the Motherboard; it is truly the Tech in Computers even to this day. Well folks this my 2 cents in Technology. Tune in next time for more blogging from me, this is fun stuff. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

What Smart phone are you using, I love that technology -

Friday, March 18, 2011 08:10 AM

Hi I’m KG the Techie…

Now a–days, everyone got a smart phone, you turn around you see one going right by you. Hey look at there, chances are you have one with now. If you think I got one, well you’ll be thinking right. I like my Motorola Droid. It goes where ever I go, and then some. I first was introduced to Blackberry smart-phones, when got my first one. It was the blackberry Curve 8320 and at the time, it was great. As I notice the applications was not all good though. The one thing I notice about smart-phones it’s a combination of hardware and software that makes the smart-phone an asset or a piece of junk. So when you ready for the smart-phone technology, it’s best to do some research. Look at the difference in technologies, and it also can be a trick, providing if you know, who is providing you the service for the phone. Smart-phone technology is really based on the applications you use as well. I really like my Droid for the many free apps I use. Check some sites that focus on Technology Specs and rating of other user for your smart choice. I like CNET for many of my tech spec researches; they have a nice lay out on their website. , check out the site, if you like. I know I go there a lot. You have to bare with me on my blog style. I’m trying to get some help with that.  At any-rate, smart-phones are so much of a handy piece of technology, I believe they going to stay around for long time. It’s just going to get better and better.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Finally.. Considering using the Amazon Kindle -

Monday, March 14, 2011 5:38:18 AM

Hi I'm KG The Techie... 

So I'm trying out this blogging excitement, to see if I like this writing stuff. I'm KG the Techie, just sharing my 2 cents about all things technological.

Hey Folks, well I finally got on the e-reader band wagon. I am really considering thinking about getting me a Amazon Kindle for reading my books for now on. When they first made their appearance way back when, I wasn't impressed with the technology. I didn't see a need for the technology. E-books readers have a long history and according to Wikipedia, it dates back to 1971.

For me, I have always been a old fashion reader of real books, and never thought to use technology for my book reading.  Technology has a way of catching up with you, once you see the practical or tactical use for it.  Well as I make my journey to explore ebook reading, you folks stay tuned, I will be doing some research on them and see how that Amazon kindle work for me, and of course I'll reading the manual for sure. I am not a Gadget Guru. :) 

.🤔 When Entertainment Crosses the Line: My Disappointment with the Super Bowl Halftime Show **

  I usually don’t post negative comments on #socialmedia, and there’s a good reason. If I don’t like something, I tend to keep it to myself...