Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Trying out Manjaro OS– from a simple user perpective -


hey folks, Enthusiastic techie here,

its time to explore my options on my journey with different and alternative “Operatoring Systems” that are out there, besides the old mundame Microsoft Windows Platforms type OSes. We all know that Miscroft harness the Desktop market with their inviting WIndows OSes. I like to try out other platforms and maybe share some of my findings and insights with the different OSes that I experience. So with the variety of OSes sharing the Linux Kernal, it should be interesting to check them out from a “User” perpective. I know they already have profestional testers for each of the “Operatoring Systems” out there, but I’m coming from just a user view . So hopefully it’s should be a good read.

Well it’s my opinion and insight on the “OS”, from a  view point a simple user like me Smile.  Ok folks stay tuned, I will be posting more about my experiences and insights with the different OSes out there under the open source style. But of course this is just from a simple user perspective. If you needing more professional information on the testing, I suggest you check out their site, and read their manuals.  Thank you and good day.

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