Monday, December 26, 2022

What happen to my copies in #Windows: Great Tip that might helps #Tech #SocialMedia #AmReading #Amwriting

 Did you ever wonder where your copies ended up when you forgot to save them? It might be interesting for you to try a keyboard command that involves pressing the Windows key and the letter V simultaneously. See what happens - you'll get a record of everything you copied onto your clipboard. Please take a look at this - I hope that helps - peace. 

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Why an #AI Writing Assistant is a Game Changer for Your Content Creation? #AmWriting #AmReading #Blogging

 AI will help you write blogs easier than you think. With AI, you can generate blog posts in a matter of seconds. These AI-generated posts are not just any old content. They are well-researched and well-written articles that have the potential to go viral.

There is a need for this type of content due to the fact that there is a shortage of writers in the world and it's difficult to find good writers who can write at scale and produce quality content on demand.

Why You Should Stop Chasing Social Media Followers and Start Chasing Content Instead

 The content is the king. It's not about how many followers you have, it's about the content you are putting out. If you are not producing high quality content, then people will not follow you in the first place.

There is a lot of talk these days about influencers and how they can help your brand grow. But this is only true if they are producing high quality content that people want to read and share. 

Monday, December 12, 2022

#Twitter is Better Than All The Others

 Earlier this year, #ElonMusk tweeted something that upset our local City Councilwoman. Due to this, she announced she was leaving #Twitter and never planned to tweet again. The 12th of December in 2022. Her tweet caught my attention today. This platform is better than all the others, which is why people can't leave.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

The Platform of Change is Coming *

 I've used Twitter since 2008, and I've seen it grow. I've seen it change the world in small ways and big ways. While there are many things I love about Twitter, there are many things I hate about it too. Twitter owns the identity of being a microblogging platform. While it is still one of the best spaces to network with others and stay on top of current events, there are plenty of other free network-based sites that do just as well, if not better. Twitter is the medium of choice for many companies and individuals because of its ability to leverage real-time interaction. While the Twitter of days past was useful for many, there have been a clamor for change. The latest iteration of Twitter is just that – a new kind of Twitter. While some may think it too radical, there will surely be an audience ready to explore this brave new platform. What yall think tell me in the comments section down below.... 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Cats Hobby Corner - (YouTuber)

 I'm a small hobby gardener. I grow vegetables, flowers, and fruit out of my home. Every year, I plant new things for the first time, and hope the plants survive the winter to give me an 'apple' or a 'pear' in the next year! This bio video highlights some of those new things - ones that I'm really excited about this year, as well as other practices that I implement in order to have an abundant (Gardening) Check out on Twitter @CornerCats - 

.🤔 When Entertainment Crosses the Line: My Disappointment with the Super Bowl Halftime Show **

  I usually don’t post negative comments on #socialmedia, and there’s a good reason. If I don’t like something, I tend to keep it to myself...